the engine has the correct oil level and the correct oil pressure before continuing with this diagnostic. Refer to Oil Pressure Diagnosis and
Testing (See: Engine, Cooling and Exhaust/Engine/Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/Oil Pressure
Diagnosis and Testing).
* If a crankshaft or camshaft position sensor DTC is set, the Camshaft Position Actuator output control will not function.
1. Ignition ON, observe the scan tool DTC information. Verify that none of the following DTCs are set. DTC P0335, P0336, P0340, P0341,
P0521, P0522, P0523, P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176.
锟斤拷If any of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle (See: Diagnostic Trouble Code
Descriptions/Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle) for further diagnosis.
2. Command the camshaft position actuator solenoid to 20锟斤拷 with a scan tool. The Desired Camshaft Position parameter should match the
Camshaft Position parameter.
3. Observe the Camshaft Position Variance parameter with a scan tool. The Camshaft Position Variance will increment for several seconds,
until the Camshaft Position value matches the Desired Camshaft Position value. The Camshaft Position Variance value should return to 0锟斤拷.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC, to verify the DTC does not reset. You may also operate the vehicle within
the conditions that are captured in the Freeze Fame/Failure Records Data List.
Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the Camshaft Position Sensor and Actuator Magnet jumper harness connector. Refer to Inline Harness Connector
End Views (See: Power and Ground Distribution/Multiple Junction Connector/Diagrams) for connector identification.
Note: Testing for steps 2-4 is performed on the ECM side of the jumper harness connector.
2. Ignition OFF for 1 minute, test for less than 5 ohm between the low reference circuit terminal E and ground.
锟斤拷If greater than the specified value, test the low reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
Note: A test lamp must be used for this test. The control circuit is pulled-up to a low current voltage, A voltage on the control circuit is
3. Ignition ON, engine OFF, verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between the control circuit terminal D and ground.
锟斤拷If the test lamp illuminates, test the control circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
4. Connect the DMM black lead to the control circuit terminal D. Connect the DMM red lead to B+. Set the DMM on the diode setting.
Command the CMP actuator solenoid ON and OFF with a scan tool. The DMM should transition from OL when commanded OFF to less
than 1 V when commanded ON.
锟斤拷If the circuit voltage does not correspond to the specified values, test the control circuit for an open/high resistance or a short to ground. If
the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
Note: Testing for steps 5 and 6 is performed on the engine side of the jumper harness connector.
5. Ignition OFF, test for infinite resistance between the control circuit terminal D and ground.
锟斤拷If not the specified value, repair the control circuit for a short to ground.
6. Test for 5.0-9.0 ohm between the control circuit terminal D and the low reference circuit terminal E.
锟斤拷If less than the specified range, test for a short between the control circuit and the low reference circuit. If the circuits/connections test
normal, test or replace the Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet.
锟斤拷If greater than the specified range, test the control circuit and the low reference for an open/high resistance. If the circuits/connections test
normal, test or replace the Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet.
7. Remove the Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet. Perform the Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet Cleaning and Inspection (See: Engine,
Cooling and Exhaust/Engine/Service and Repair/Overhaul/46. Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet Cleaning and Inspection). The Camshaft
Position Actuator Magnet should pass the inspection.
锟斤拷If the inspection fails, replace the Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet.
8. Perform the Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Inspection (On-Vehicle) (See: Engine, Cooling and Exhaust/Engine/Service and
Repair/Overhaul/47. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Inspection (On-Vehicle))Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Inspection (Off-Vehicle) (See: Engine, Cooling and Exhaust/Engine/Service and Repair/Overhaul/48. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Inspection (Off-Vehicle)). The Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve should pass the inspection.
锟斤拷If the inspection fails, replace the Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve.
9. If all circuits and components test normal, replace the mechanical Camshaft Position Actuator.
CADILLAC Diagnostic and Repair Information ,Wiring Diagrams. DTC. TSB. Types: TSB, DTC, Wiring Diagrams, OEM Procedures. Trusted by more than 400,000 technicians. OEM accurate fix for faster repairs. Repair Procedures and Labor Times. Factory Auto Repair info. Request A Demo Today. Factory-Correct Diagrams. Factory Part Numbers. Maintenance Schedules. Repair Procedures. Labor Times. Types: TSB, DTC.