锟斤拷If pump operation is not audible, continue with Circuit/System Testing.
5. Ignition OFF, disconnect the ATFP control module connector X1.
6. Ignition ON, test for 0V on the Trans. Aux. Oil Pump control circuit from PIM connector X1 terminal 3 and chassis ground.
锟斤拷If greater than the specified range, test the control circuit for a short to voltage.
锟斤拷If equal to the specified range, replace the ATFP control module.
Motor/Open Short
This display indicates the ATFP control module has detected one of the following pump motor current conditions:
* At least one phase current is more than 70 A.
* Commanded current is more than 5 A and actual current in any phase is less than 2 A.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the ATFP control module connector X2.
2. Using the Auxiliary Fluid Pump Specification table listed below, test the resistance between the X2 circuits of the pump connector as
锟斤拷If any of the circuits are not within the specified range, replace the pump assembly and repeat the Circuit/System Verification.
锟斤拷If all circuits test normal, replace the ATFP control module and repeat Circuit/System Verification.
Motor CKT Fault
This display indicates an internal ATFP control module fault exists, no external circuits are involved. Replace the ATFP control module.
Temp Sen Fault
This display indicates an internal ATFP control module fault exists, no external circuits are involved. Replace the ATFP control module.
Low Voltage
1. This display indicates the ATFP control module has monitored battery voltage of less than 12.6V.
2. Measure actual battery voltage with a DMM.
锟斤拷If actual battery voltage measures less than the value range, increase actual battery voltage and repeat Circuit/System Testing.
锟斤拷If actual battery voltage measures more than the value range, test the ATFP control module power and ground circuits for a high
resistance condition. If the circuits test normal, replace the ATFP control module.
ATFPCM Over temp
1. This display indicates the ATFP control module circuit board has reached a temperature of 115-125锟斤拷C (239-257锟斤拷F).
2. Measure the actual temperature of the ATFP control module case.
锟斤拷If actual temperature is the same or more than the value range, no action is necessary.
锟斤拷If actual temperature is less than the value range, replace the ATFP control module.
1. This display indicates the ATFP control module circuit board has reached a temperature of more than 125锟斤拷C (257锟斤拷F).
2. Measure the actual temperature of the ATFP control module case.
锟斤拷If actual temperature is the same or more than the value range, no action is necessary.
锟斤拷If actual temperature is less than the value range, replace the ATFP control module.
Current High/Lo
1. This display indicates the ATFP control module has monitored motor current that is outside the normal range for a given motor speed.
2. Inspect for the following conditions:
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