The ECM detects that the ECT is colder than -60锟斤拷C (-76锟斤拷F) for greater than 5 s.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0117 and P0118 are Type B DTCs.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
DTCs P0117 and P0118 are Type B DTCs.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics (See: Diagrams/Electrical Diagrams/Powertrain Management/System Diagram)
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views (See: Diagrams/Connector Views)
Electrical Information Reference
* Circuit Testing (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Circuit
Testing/Circuit Testing)
* Connector Repairs (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic
Procedures/Connector Repairs/Connector Repairs)
* Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General
Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Circuit Testing/Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections)
* Wiring Repairs (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Wiring
Repairs/Wiring Repairs)
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Definitions (See: Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions/Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code
(DTC) Type Definitions)
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References (See: Testing and Inspection/Programming and Relearning) for scan tool information
Circuit/System Verification
Under pressure, the temperature of the solution in the radiator can be considerably higher, without boiling. Removing the radiator cap while the
engine is hot (pressure is high), will cause the solution to boil instantaneously, with explosive force. The solution will spew out over the engine,
fenders, and the person removing the cap. Serious bodily injury may result. Flammable antifreeze, such as alcohol, is not recommended for use at
any time. Flammable antifreeze could cause a serious fire.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect the cooling system surge tank for the proper engine coolant level. Refer to Cooling System Leak Testing (See: Engine, Cooling and
Exhaust/Cooling System/Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics) and Cooling System Draining and Filling (Static
Fill) (See: Engine, Cooling and Exhaust/Cooling System/Service and Repair/Cooling System Draining and Filling (Static Fill)).
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Use the scan tool to verify the proper operation of the engine cooling system fans.
5. Turn OFF the ignition.
6. Verify the proper heat range, and the operation of the thermostat. Refer to Thermostat Diagnosis (See: Engine, Cooling and
Exhaust/Cooling System/Testing and Inspection/Symptom Related Diagnostic Procedures/Thermostat Diagnosis).
Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the B34 ECT sensor.
2. Ignition OFF for 90 s, test for less than 5 ohm between the low reference circuit terminal A and ground.
锟斤拷If greater than the specified range, test the low reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20
3. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool ECT parameter is colder than -39锟斤拷C (-38锟斤拷F).
锟斤拷If greater than the specified range, test the signal circuit terminal B for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 ECM.
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