2. Ignition ON, test for 11.8-12.2 volts between the appropriate 12-volt reference circuit listed below and ground:
* X88/Z88 - terminal 11
* Z75 - terminal 5
锟斤拷 If greater than the specified range, test the 12-volt reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the MSM.
锟斤拷 If less than the specified range, test the 12-volt reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal,
replace the MSM.
3. Verify the scan tool Pedal Forward Switch parameter is Inactive.
锟斤拷 If not the specified value, test the appropriate signal circuit terminal listed below for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace
the MSM.
* X88/Z88 - terminal 12
* Z75 - terminal 6
4. Verify the scan tool Pedal Aft Switch parameter is Inactive.
锟斤拷 If not the specified value, test the appropriate signal circuit terminal listed below for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace
the MSM.
* X88/Z88 - terminal 10
* Z75 - terminal 4
5. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the appropriate signal circuit terminal listed below and B+. The scan tool Pedal Forward Switch
parameter should be Active.
* X88/Z88 - terminal 12
* Z75 - terminal 6
锟斤拷 If not the specified value, test the signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
6. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the appropriate signal circuit terminal listed below and B+. The scan tool Pedal Aft Switch parameter
should be Active.
* X88/Z88 - terminal 10
* Z75 - terminal 4
锟斤拷 If not the specified value, test the signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
7. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the adjustable pedal switch.
Component Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the adjustable pedal switch.
2. Test for infinite resistance between the 12-volt reference terminal 11 and the signal terminals listed below:
* Terminal 10
* Terminal 12
锟斤拷 If not the specified value, replace the adjustable pedal switch.
3. Adjustable pedal switch in the FWD position, test for less than 2 ohms between the 12-volt reference terminal 11 and the signal terminal 12.
锟斤拷 If greater than the specified range, replace the adjustable pedal switch.
4. Adjustable pedal switch in the RWD position, test for less than 2 ohms between the 12-volt reference terminal 11 and the signal terminal 10.
锟斤拷 If greater than the specified range, replace the adjustable pedal switch.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the adjustable pedal switch.
2. Test for infinite resistance between the 12-volt reference terminal 5 and the signal terminals listed below: