2010 Cadillac Truck SRX FWD V6-3.0L Technical Service Bulletin # 05-00-89-078C Date: 120419
Fuel System - GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS(R) Info.
Bulletin No.: 05-00-89-078C
Date: April 19, 2012
Subject: GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS, Fuel Sending Unit Corrosion and Fuel System Deposits
2013 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Trucks
This bulletin is being revised to add model years Parts Information. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 05-00-89-078B (Section 00 -
General Information).
The GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is not recommended for use with diesel fuel. The GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is specially
formulated for use in gasoline and/or E85 fuels.
GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS
GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is now available for use in gasoline engines.
Added Benefits and Uses
The PLUS portion of GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is the addition of a filmer additive that, when used regularly, can protect fuel system
sending units from the corrosive effects of certain sulfur contaminants found in some of today's gasoline.
Sulfur contamination can disrupt electrical continuity of certain fuel sending units and lead to erratic or false fuel gauge readings. With scheduled
usage, GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS protects against the effects of harmful sulfurs in gasoline.
The Four Benefits
Just pour in one bottle of the GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS into the fuel tank when refueling around each oil change interval:
- Cleans - Sulfur corrosion from fuel gauge sending units.
- Prevents - Harmful sulfur components from attacking sensitive fuel system electronics.
- Protects - By coating metallic surfaces of the fuel system.
- Removes - Engine deposits left from use of poor quality fuels.
Parts Information
2010 Cadillac Truck SRX FWD V6-3.0L Page 58