Saturday, February 1, 2020

2010 Cadillac Truck SRX AWD V6-2.8L Turbo Page 232

2010 Cadillac Truck SRX AWD V6-2.8L Turbo Page 232

Liftgate Schematics (See: Body and Frame/Locks/Diagrams/Electrical Diagrams/Liftgate Schematics)

Connector End View Reference

Component Connector End Views (See: Diagrams/Connector Views/Connector End Views By Name)

Description and Operation

Liftgate Description and Operation (See: Body and Frame/Doors, Hood and Trunk/Trunk / Liftgate/Description and Operation/Liftgate)

Electrical Information Reference

* Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General

Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Circuit Testing/Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections)

* Circuit Testing (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Circuit

Testing/Circuit Testing)

* Wiring Repairs (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic Procedures/Wiring

Repairs/Wiring Repairs)

* Connector Repairs (See: Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics/General Electrical Diagnostic

Procedures/Connector Repairs/Connector Repairs)

Scan Tool Reference

Control Module References (See: Testing and Inspection/Programming and Relearning) for scan tool information

Circuit/System Verification

Ignition ON, observe the scan tool Liftgate Angle parameter while opening and closing the liftgate. The parameter should vary between 0掳 and

approximately 80掳 as the liftgate opens and closes.

Circuit/System Testing

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the B164 liftgate position sensor.

2. Test for less than 10 ohm between the low reference circuit terminal E and ground.

瀚慖f greater than the specified range, test the low reference circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests

normal, replace the K39 liftgate control module.

3. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates between the 12V reference circuit terminal A and ground.

瀚慖f the test lamp does not illuminate, test the 12V reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests

normal, replace the K39 liftgate control module.

4. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X3 harness connector at the K39 liftgate control module.

5. Test for infinite resistance between the sensor signal circuit terminal listed below and ground.

* Sensor 1 signal circuit terminal 9

* Sensor 2 signal circuit terminal 10

瀚慖f not the specified value, test the signal circuit for a short to ground.

6. Test for less than 1ohm between the signal circuit terminals listed below:

* Signal circuit terminal C at the B164 liftgate position sensor and the signal circuit terminal 9 at the K39 liftgate control module

* Signal circuit terminal D at the B164 liftgate position sensor and the signal circuit terminal 10 at the K39 liftgate control module.

瀚慖f greater than the specified range, test the signal circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high resistance.

7. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the B164 liftgate position sensor.

Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification (See: Verification Tests) after completing the repair.

* Liftgate Angle Sensor Replacement (See: Body and Frame/Doors, Hood and Trunk/Trunk / Liftgate/Trunk / Liftgate Position

Sensor/Service and Repair/Liftgate Angle Sensor Replacement)

* Control Module References (See: Testing and Inspection/Programming and Relearning) for liftgate control module replacement, setup and