2010 Cadillac CTS Sedan AWD V6-3.6L Page 699
3. Ignition ON, test for 4.8-5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit terminals listed below and ground:
* Terminal C (LHD)
* Terminal A (RHD)
瀚慖f less than the specified range, test the 5 V reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal,
replace the BCM.
瀚慖f greater than the specified range, test the 5 V reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the BCM.
4. Verify the scan tool BPP Sensor parameter is less than 100 counts.
瀚慖f greater than the specified range, test the signal circuit terminal B for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the BCM.
5. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal circuit terminal B and the 5 V reference circuit terminals listed below. Verify the scan tool
BPP Sensor parameter is greater than 400 counts.
* Terminal C (LHD)
* Terminal A (RHD)
瀚慖f less than the specified range, test the signal circuit for short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
6. If all circuits test normal, replace the brake pedal position sensor.
C0277 09
1. Replace the brake pedal position sensor.
2. Perform the brake pedal position sensor recalibration procedure. Refer to Brake Pedal Position Sensor Calibration ().
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running and Setting the DTC and verify the DTC does not reset.
瀚慖f the DTC resets, replace the BCM.
C0277 4B
1. Verify that the DTC sets under the Conditions for Running and Setting.
2. Perform the brake pedal position sensor recalibration procedure. Refer to Brake Pedal Position Sensor Calibration ().
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions that the customer experienced and verify the DTC does not reset.
瀚慖f the DTC resets, replace the brake pedal position sensor.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification (See: Verification Tests) after completing the diagnostic procedure.
* Brake Pedal Position Sensor Replacement (See: Lighting and Horns/Brake Light Switch/Service and Repair)
* Brake Pedal Position Sensor Calibration ()
* Control Module References (See: Testing and Inspection/Programming and Relearning) for BCM replacement, setup, and programming
DTC C0186, C0196, or C0287
Diagnostic Instructions
* Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle) prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
* Review Strategy Based Diagnosis (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Strategy Based Diagnosis) for an
overview of the diagnostic approach.
* Diagnostic Procedure Instructions (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic Procedure
Instructions) provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC C0186 09
- Lateral Accelerometer Circuit Rate of Change Above Threshold
DTC C0186 0F
- Lateral Accelerometer Circuit Erratic
DTC C0186 55
- Lateral Accelerometer Circuit Expected Number of Events Not Reached